Here are some more solos by Philly Joe Jones. I couldn’t find a recording on youtube, so if you can get you hands on the recording listen closely to Jones’ phrasing. Jones’ phrasing in his solos make his thoughts complete and they make each phrase he plays make sense!
These solos are full of some standard Philly licks with a lot of great 16th note patterns which can be pretty tricky to play with brushes. This solo can be a good exercise for playing some 16th note passages with brushes/ getting used to taking solos with brushes.
Pay close attention to bars 4, 11-12, and 19 for their over the bar line licks.
Keep in mind that all of the stickings are suggestions.
(Also I haven’t figured out how to make a key in Sibelius so the round note head is a sizzle cymbal and the “x” note head is a regular cymbal)
Here is the link to a PDF.